torsdag den 18. marts 2021

Bygge en ekstern skærm, fra Bærbar skærm

 Er ret spændt på mit nye projekt.

Har en bærbar Lenovo bærbar liggende, men den har ram, som er loddet fast. Desværre er der en fejl på en af ram-klodserne, og siden at jeg ikke kan lodde dem af, tænkte jeg, at genbruge hvad jeg kunne. Heriblandt skærmen, Skærmen er en 14" touch skærm, 

Så efter at have set videoen:

Så har bestilt en controller board, fra Ebay, men det var ret svært at finde et til min model.
Har dog bestilt et nu, 

Efter at have indtastet:
LP140QH1 Controller board

Fandt godt nok en der hed:
Men inde under beskrivelsen, har jeg fundet ud af at den også understøtter LP140QH1-SPA2.
Så har prøvet at bestille den og så må jeg se om en måned, når det står til at ankomme.

More to come

onsdag den 10. februar 2021

Bærbare connector stik


Bærbar skærmstik / Screen connector

There are several different types of video connectors used in laptops screens. For the most part the connectors are not interchangeable. Here are the most common types of video connectors that are in use today:

30-pin eDP - the main modern connector.
It is used on screens with resolutions up to 1920 x 1080. If your laptop was manufactured after 2014 and features screen resolution up to 1080p it is likely using this type of connector.

40-pin Narrow Connector
40-pin touch interface and eDP video connector used on some Lenovo laptops starting from 2020.

Narrow 40pin - pitch 0.4mm (found in Lenovo OnCell touch)
Regular 40pin - pitch 0.5mm

40-pin same physical connector standard but 3 different and incompatible signals

40-pin eDP Touch - used on newer laptops after 2015, the additional pins over the 30-pin eDP connector are needed for a built-in (on-cell) touchscreen functionality.

40-pin eDP QHD+ - used on newer laptops after 2015, the additional pins over the 30-pin eDP connector are needed for higher resolution options such as QHD (2560 x 1440) and even higher (4 channel eDP).

"40-pin eDP Touch" LCDs are not interchangeable with "40-pin eDP QHD+" screens. Even though the connectors are the same, plugging a "40-pin eDP Touch" LCD in-place of a "40-pin eDP QHD+" screen will not provide the touch functionality, and vice-versa, plugging a QHD screen in place of a 40-pin touchscreen will not provide higher resolution.

40-pin LVDS (old)

Used on most LED back-lit laptops prior to 2014. It was the most common standard at the time and allowed resolutions up to 1920 x 1080p.
Screens fitted with 40-pin LVDS connector are not interchangeable with screens fitted with 40-pin eDP because of the two different signalling technologies, even-though the connectors follow identical physical standards.


120Hz+ LVDS (gaming) screens used a 50-pin connector
CCFL screens (obsolete) used 20-pin LVDS and 30-pin LVDS connectors.
MacBooks use their own proprietary LVDS and eDP connector types.

fredag den 22. januar 2021

Linux Mint 20, installations problemer

 Har haft nogle problemer med at installere programmer, som jeg gjorde før, da jeg kørte tidligere version af Linux mint.

Nogle ændringer der har skulle laves, har været:

Tidligere skrev man APT GET.
Nu skal man nøjes med APT, da APT komandoen er blevet udvidet.

Så f.eks da jeg ville installere Synapse, skulle jeg skrive

sudo apt install synapse    
i terninalen