Jeg ville rigtig gerne kunne se mine film og serier fra min Raspberry Pi2, i stuen.
Mit problem var at den ikke kunne finde min Drobo FS.
Jeg fik dog løst problemet, ved at gå ind i routeren, og give Drobo en statisk IP, og ved at jeg gjorde det, kunne jeg ligepludselig godt finde den, under det normale windows netværk.
Derefter var det bare at "finde" film og serier som jeg plejede, og lade OpenLEC finde dem.
Det var lidt et problem, da Drobo åbenbart køre med et Mac format, HFP+
og derved ikke var til at finde på netværks oversigten.
og at jeg normalt køre med dynamiske IP adresser i hjemmet.
Men ved at finde min default gateway, som hos mig er, kunne jeg gå ind i min Cisco router og finde hvilke apparater der var online, og lade dem, for fremtiden få den IP adresse som de havde.
Så min Drobo ville få adr
I would love to watch my Movies og Series on my Raspberry Pi 2, in the living room.
My problem was that it could not find my Drobo FS.
I fixed it, my going into my router, and give my Drobo a Static IP, and by doing so, my Raspberry, could suddently find the Drobo on my network.
Derfrom, I could just let the OpenLEC find the files, like you normaly would do.
Part of the problem, was that the Drobo uses a Mac format, HFP+
wich also makes it difficult to find, on a normal network.
But by assigning static IP adress to the Drobo, it worked.
So by entering my router, through my default gateway, in my case it is, and enter my Cisco router, I could see wich devices was online, and I cound reserve/dedicade the IP adresses that they had. Wich fixed the problem.
So my Drobo ended up with the IP adress of