Jeg havde valgt at installere 32 bit versionen, men fandt ud af, at min bærbar ikke understøttede PAE, altså var en non-PAE version.
Ved installationen, blev den ved med at skrive
*ERROR: PAE is disabled on this Pentium M (PAE can potentially be enabled with kernel parameter "forcepae" - this is unsupported, may cause unkown problems, and will taint the kernel) This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU*
Så genstartede jeg computeren, og prøvede at installere igen.
Ved den normale menu, om jeg ville starte
Prøv Linux
Installer Linux
Her trykkede jeg Tap,
Som frembragte en del linier kode.
Her skrev jeg forcepae
Det jeg dog fandt ud af, var at jeg var for tæt på koden med --
Så jeg var nød til at trykke Space og så skrive forcepae
Så virkede det.
Følte mig godt nok noget fjollet...!
Sometimes I feel lost, when working with Linux, but I really love it.
In this instens.
I wanted to install a 32 bit version of Linux, Linux Zorin.
But under the installation it wrote that my laptop was not a PAE supportet PC.
*ERROR: PAE is disabled on this Pentium M (PAE can potentially be enabled with kernel parameter "forcepae" - this is unsupported, may cause unkown problems, and will taint the kernel) This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU*
Then I rebooted my pc, and try installing again.
When I was in the normal boot menu,
Try Linux
Install Linux
Then I pressed Tap,
and a lot of code came out.
after all the code there was a --
After this I had read that I should write forcepae.
But when I did, it jus said the normal thing, that PAE was not supportet on my PC.
Then just for fun,
I did it again, but with a Spacing before.
So I pressed Space and wrote forcepae
And it worked.
I felt so silly and stupid, that it was that simple...!
But also strange, that I just could'nt just write the code/command.